That’s a vortex (probably)!
immc | Louvain-la-Neuve

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That’s a vortex (probably)!
15 Apr
There are many examples in fluid dynamics in which we wish to use a limited amount of information about a flow (e.g., from sensors) to infer its larger behavior. Rather than treat this inverse problem deterministically, it is valuable to embrace its uncertainty, e.g., due to noisy sensor measurements, and work in a probabilistic setting.
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That’s a vortex (probably)!
15 Apr
There are many examples in fluid dynamics in which we wish to use a limited amount of information about a flow (e.g., from sensors) to infer its larger behavior. Rather than treat this inverse problem deterministically, it is valuable to embrace its uncertainty, e.g., due to noisy sensor measurements, and work in a probabilistic setting.