UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Natalie Chen, University of Warwick
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Natalie Chen, University of Warwick
18 Apr
Natalie Chen
(University of Warwick)
will give a presentation on
Trade diversion and labor market outcomes
Abstract: In 2018 the US administration has increased tariffs on imports from China. Do these tariffs merely reduce imports from China into the US, or do they at the same time lead to more imports from other countries such as Mexico?
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Natalie Chen, University of Warwick
18 Apr
Natalie Chen
(University of Warwick)
will give a presentation on
Trade diversion and labor market outcomes
Abstract: In 2018 the US administration has increased tariffs on imports from China. Do these tariffs merely reduce imports from China into the US, or do they at the same time lead to more imports from other countries such as Mexico?