UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Travis Lybbert, UC Davis
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Travis Lybbert, UC Davis
08 Dec
Travis Lybbert
University of California Davis
will give a presentation on
Religiosity and Educational Attainment Among the Roma: Shedding an Oppositional Identity?
The Roma have faced poverty, discrimination and even enslavement and extermination since immigrating to Europe from India in the early 12thcentury.
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Travis Lybbert, UC Davis
08 Dec
Travis Lybbert
University of California Davis
will give a presentation on
Religiosity and Educational Attainment Among the Roma: Shedding an Oppositional Identity?
The Roma have faced poverty, discrimination and even enslavement and extermination since immigrating to Europe from India in the early 12thcentury.