E-Mich - "Citizens' accountability in the ballot box”
hoover | Louvain-la-Neuve

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E-Mich - "Citizens' accountability in the ballot box”
02 Mar
Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Emanuela Ceva & Nenad Stojanović (Université de Genève)
We develop a novel approach to address democratic electoral discrimination – i.e. when voters penalize candidates running for office on the ground of an adverse bias towards the candidates’ group membership – through the lenses of “office accountability”.
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E-Mich - "Citizens' accountability in the ballot box”
02 Mar
Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Emanuela Ceva & Nenad Stojanović (Université de Genève)
We develop a novel approach to address democratic electoral discrimination – i.e. when voters penalize candidates running for office on the ground of an adverse bias towards the candidates’ group membership – through the lenses of “office accountability”.