Are paraphilias mental disorders ? The case of the DSM
isp | Louvain-la-Neuve
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Are paraphilias mental disorders ? The case of the DSM
19 Feb
We are happy to welcome Prof. Pieter Adriaens from KU Leuven on Wednesday 19th of February 15h-17h for a CEFISES seminar. Pieter Adriaens works in philosophical anthropology, informed by, but at the same time critical at, the background sciences that take homo sapiens within their scope.
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Are paraphilias mental disorders ? The case of the DSM
19 Feb
We are happy to welcome Prof. Pieter Adriaens from KU Leuven on Wednesday 19th of February 15h-17h for a CEFISES seminar. Pieter Adriaens works in philosophical anthropology, informed by, but at the same time critical at, the background sciences that take homo sapiens within their scope.