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Intensional Classes and Intuitionistic Topoi

isp | Louvain-la-Neuve

15 February 2021, modifié le 10 January 2025

Évènement associé

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Intensional Classes and Intuitionistic Topoi
17 Feb
The Institut supérieur de philosophie of the UCLouvain, the research centre CEFISES, and the FNRS contact group OLOFOS ((Onto-)LOgical Frameworks Of Science) are very happy to invite everyone interested to the (due to Covid-19) online only third ordinary meeting of this year’s OLOFOS seminar with the overarching theme “Formal analysis of modality and pragmatics in science
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Intensional Classes and Intuitionistic Topoi
17 Feb
The Institut supérieur de philosophie of the UCLouvain, the research centre CEFISES, and the FNRS contact group OLOFOS ((Onto-)LOgical Frameworks Of Science) are very happy to invite everyone interested to the (due to Covid-19) online only third ordinary meeting of this year’s OLOFOS seminar with the overarching theme “Formal analysis of modality and pragmatics in science