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Master in Management [60] Evening Classes - LLN - GEHD2M1

AnnéesFormations à horaire aménagé afin de faciliter l'accès des adultesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The Master in Management (60) evening course, spread over two years, is mainly designed for university graduates who already have a Master (in any subject e.g. science, applied sciences, law, philosophy, literature or industrial engineering) who wish to acquire additional training in administration and management. It is intended for adults who have already gained at least 3 years of professional experience.

Brochure -> Brochure Master in Management 60 evening course (in French)

The two year part-time study programme covers the basic elements of management. It is designed to provide students with knowledge of the main areas of management and to develop their skills in dealing with management problems, using appropriate techniques to solve them, taking correct decisions and being able to put all of this into the economic, social and institutional context of organizations.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The evening class programme is spread over two years (30 credits per year). The courses are organized on a two year rotation (some are held in even years, the others in odd years). In addition to the introductory courses on the main disciplines which make up management science, the programme includes two individual papers which form the dissertation, training in the principles and issues involved in corporate social responsibility and the opportunity for more advanced study of an area of management through an optional subject.

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

This programme can lead to the 120 credit Master in Management Science with a professional or research focus.
| 16/05/2012 |