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Study programme 2015-2016

Teaching and training

 A core training of 2 years is common and mandatory for all trainees. It involves basic theories and practice in each of the three fields of laboratory medicine: clinical chemistry (including endocrinology, toxicology, metabolic diseases, tumor markers,…), microbiology (bacteriology, mycology, virology, parasitology) and haematology (cytology, haemostasis, immuno-haematology,…). During this 2-year basis, the trainees will have to follow some lectures proposed to medical doctors (infectious diseases, clinical haematology, …). Different tests and evaluations are planned during these two years.

The candidates must participate to all scientific meetings, staff or lectures recommended by the academic committee. They must participate to duties (night or week end) organized by the laboratories.

During the 3 last years, they have to perform some further specialization training in certified laboratories under the control of a certified supervisor, according to the law, and after validation both by the Health Authorities and by the Academic Committee. They are requested to participate actively to some research and development programmes resulting to a publication as first author.

They can perform their 3 years under different schemes according to their preferences:
o Either in one medical field (mono-specialty) during the 3-year period: haematology, microbiology or clinical chemistry
o Or in each of the three fields, dedicating 1 year per medical field
o Or in two of the 3 fields, performing a 2-year period in one discipline and a 1-year period in another one (e.g. 2 years in haematology and 1 year in clinical chemistry,…)