Prepare for your course


You will soon be taking a course in our faculty. Want to get a head start? Take part in our summer preparatory classes, which take place from 22 August to 2 September 2022.

They will help you:

  • familiarise yourself with first-year subjects and adapt your work methods;
  • evaluate your course choice;
  • discover daily life on a university campus and meet your future fellow students.

The first week of FIAL summer preparatory classes offers an introductory module on the subjects of the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters as well as modules on ancient and modern languages. The second week focuses on academic work methods. It is possible to register for the first week, the second week, or both.

The FIAL introductory module is divided into six workshops organised around a common theme. The workshops are “Introduction to Philosophy”, “Introduction to Literature and Literary Analysis”, “Introduction to Art History, Musicology, Archaeology”, “History, Current Events, Media”, “Introduction to Language Sciences” (recommended for future students of the School of Languages and Literatures), and “Analysis of an Iconographic Document” (recommended for future students of the School of Philosophy and the School of History, Art and Culture). The module will allow future students to see how the faculty’s disciplines relate to one another.

The week closes with a workshop presenting the faculty, its aims and the main professional opportunities to which its courses can lead. The workshop allows students to ask any questions they may have about FIAL courses, majors, minors, and other offerings, after having had a taste of them.

Complete programme

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