Learning outcomes

psp1ba  2016-2017  Louvain-la-Neuve

 1. Outlook for the graduate in Bachelor in Psychology and Education: General

To prepare for the teaching given in the Master in Psychology in order to “become an agent for change with regard to individual or collective behaviour” is the challenge faced by students enrolled on the Bachelor in Psychology and Education: General course.
The Bachelor’s programme allows graduates to acquire a solid theoretical and methodological education in the various fields of psychology and education and to understand the principal theoretical trends of related disciplines. Bachelor graduates will become familiar with the main bases for intervention, adopting a discerning and critical attitude with regard to intervention models. They will develop a way of thinking and acting characterised by a thorough and critical approach, while remaining mindful of deontological and ethical factors. They will also develop the skills required to enable them to communicate and interact effectively as part of a team.
During the three years of the Bachelor’s course, by coming to a better understanding of themselves, students will develop their training and vocational projects, which they will pursue throughout the Master’s programme, with increasing independence.

2. The reference framework for learning outcomes

In order to convert this proposed outlook into actions, the Faculty has created a reference framework for learning outcomes defining the exit profile for students graduating with a Bachelor in Psychology and Education: General, with reference to the exit profile for the Master 120 in Psychology. This reference framework is composed of six core skills and explains the target to be reached on completion of the course.

The Bachelor in Psychology and Education: General programme will allow students to develop the knowledge and skills set out below, in accordance with the 6 skills (A to F).


On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

A. To analyse a situation (individual or collective) while accurately and fully implementing the concepts provided by the relevant theories or approaches
• A1. to access the knowledge that provides an explanation and understanding of an individual, group or organisation;
• A2. to analyse, review in a well-reasoned manner and modelise a situation (individual, group or organisation) referring to the theories, research results, methods and tools relating to psychology.


B. To develop a theoretically and empirically justified intervention plan in order to modify an individual or collective situation, to implement this plan and evaluate its effectiveness
• B1. to master knowledge concerning interventions intended to improve a given situation (individual, group or organisation);
• B2. to plan an intervention intended to improve a given situation (individual, group or organisation);
• B3. to implement an intervention plan, totally or partially, and evaluate its effectiveness.


C. To communicate accurate, precise and pertinent information by the appropriate means for the content and the target group
• C1. to present a summary verbally and in writing, adapting it to suit the different target audiences and objectives
• C2. to structure and present collated data

D. To interact effectively with the different actors involved in a given situation on an interpersonal and professional level
• D1. to listen to others in learning situations and professional environments;
• D2. to interact and collaborate in a network in a manner appropriate for learning situations and professional environments;
• D3. to adopt a critical attitude to others and oneself in learning situations and professional environments.

E. To act as an academic psychologist in a thorough, deontological and ethical manner
• E1. to understand the stages, methodologies and tools of scientific research in psychology and education;
• E2. to identify the contribution and value of scientific research in psychology and education with regard to his/her understanding of given situations;
• E3. to act as a professional in the field of psychology and education, referring to the principles of, among others, ethics and deontology.

F. To evaluate and enhance his/her professionalism and skills
• F1. to use the means and opportunities for self-development;
• F2. to use the means and opportunities to develop a personal professional project.