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Master in Geography : General [60.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The organization of the space in which we live results from the impact of man on his natural surroundings. It comes from a great many decisions, taken long ago or recently, which have shaped our environment by adapting it to our needs, for better and for worse. These decisions have stimulated development and also created imbalances : more productive world agriculture, industrial concentrations, urbanization, trade at every level, increase in average well-being, but also delocalization, pollution, damage to land, deforestation, the greenhouse effect or overpopulation. Geography studies the mechanisms which have led to all these effects, in order to control them better. 


The objective of the training is an introduction to the three fundamental aspects of the work of a geographer:

Students will develop skills in the field of geography and especially in the study of the interactions between human activities, geographical space and the natural environment. This is done from the perspective of both human and physical geography: it is important to bring them together. The training also provides students with the geographical techniques necessary for the study of this.

The Master in Geography (60 credits) is clearly different from the 120 credit Master in Geography ; although it only takes a year of study, it is inspired by the same objectives, but aims in a more modest way to build on and refine the geographical training in the bachelor’s degree.


Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme comprises core subjects of 50 credits and 10 credits for optional activities.


Core courses

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

The only university training directly accessible from the 60 credit Master in Geography is teacher training (30 credits).

It is also possible, in one year, to gain the 120 credit Master in Geography. This gives access to doctorates and Advanced Masters. Students’ attention is drawn to the fact that this progression will require the submission of two dissertations.  



University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Bachelor in Physics [180.0] Si l'étudiant a suivi la  Minor in Geography [30.0]   Direct access  
Bachelor in Engineering [180.0] Si l'étudiant a suivi la Minor in Geography [30.0]   Direct access  
Belgian Bachelors of the French speaking Community
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Belgian Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Foreign Bachelors
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  

Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
> BA en sciences agronomiques - type longAccès au master moyennant réussite d'une année préparatoire de max. 60 créditsType long
> BA en agronomieAccès au master moyennant réussite d'une année préparatoire de max. 60 créditsType court
> BA en sciences industrielles - type longAprès vérification de l'acquisition des matières prérequises, soit accès moyennant la réussite d'une année préparatoire de 60 crédits max, soit accès immédiat moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits maxType long

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
> MA en sciences agronomiques
> MA en sciences de l'ingénieur industriel en agronomie
> MA en sciences de l'ingénieur industriel, finalités constructions et géomètre
> MA en sciences industrielles, finalité géomètre
Accès direct au master moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits maxType long

Adults taking up their university training
> See the website www.uclouvain.be/vae

Personalized access
Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration

See the general admission requirements


Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Département de géographie
Aucun élément de recherche n'a été rempli.

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Secrétariat du département
Aucun élément de recherche n'a été rempli.

Teaching method

The teaching strategy takes its inspiration from the idea of ‘taking responsibility for one’s own learning’ and offers a wide range of learning situations. The integration between human and physical geography is emphasized. The courses are focused on problems in society: environmental changes, mobility, urbanization, globalization and developing countries.

Activities such as seminars and integrated exercises are carried out in advanced areas of geographical research. Ability to use advanced methods of geographical analysis is an important objective of the training: geographical modeling, geographical information systems and satellite teledetection. Practical work gives students the opportunity of dealing with concrete problems and finding solutions to them, often in small groups. The computer rooms with special software for geographical analysis are always open to students. The Master includes at least a week of field work abroad (since the 60 credit course lasts only a year).


Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

Retour en début de pageEvaluation

Students will mainly be assessed on the basis of individual work (e.g. reading, consultation of databases and bibliographic references, writing monographs and reports, presentation of seminars, dissertation and work placement). Where necessary, students will also be assessed on how much they have learned from lectures. As far as possible, there will be continuous assessment, including regular ‘open book examinations’. Certain activities will not be given a precise mark but will be officially certified. Assessment of the dissertation is in two stages : a ‘progress report’ at the end of the first year of the Master and the final presentation.


Core courses
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryModule de géographie humaine (8credits)
Mandatory LGEO2110

Géographie des pays en voie de développement Eric Lambin30h + 30h 5credits 1q x
Mandatory LGEO2210

Advanced human geography Dominique Peeters30h 3credits  x

MandatoryModule de géographie physique (10credits)
Mandatory LGEO2120

Experimental geomorphlogy Kristof Van Oost, Bas van Wesemael (coord.)30h + 30h 5credits  x
Mandatory LGEO2240

Tectonic geomorphology Veerle Vanacker30h + 30h 5credits  x

MandatoryModule de techniques d'analyse géographique (10credits)
Mandatory LGEO2130

Geographic modelling Eric Deleersnijder, Sophie Vanwambeke30h + 30h 5credits 2q x
Mandatory LGEO2150

Aides à la décision en géographie Dominique Peeters, Isabelle Thomas30h + 30h 5credits 2q x

MandatoryModule de travaux d'intégration (4credits)
Optional LGEO2170

Field Excursion Eric Lambin60h + 30h 4credits Periodic courses taught this academic year x
Optional LGEO2270

Terrain II en géographie Sophie Vanwambeke60h + 30h 4credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year x

MandatoryPhilosophie (2credits)
un cours à choisir parmi
Optional LSC2001

Introduction to contemporary philosophy Gilbert Gérard30h 2credits 2q x
Optional LSC2220

Philosophy of science Michel Ghins30h 2credits 2q x
Optional LFILO2003E

Ethics in the Sciences and technics (sem) N. 2credits  x
Mandatory LGEO2995

Mémoire N. 15credits  x

MandatoryOptional courses (11credits)
Le programme est à compléter par des cours au choix de manière à atteindre au moins 60 crédits. L'attention des étudiants est attirée par la liste suivante : NB Le cours GEO 1242 ne peut être choisi que par des étudiants qui n'ont pas suivi les cours d'approfondissement en géographie pendant leur baccalauréat. Ce cours devrait faire partie du curriculum d'un géographe.
Optional LGEO2230

Géographie médicale et de la santé Sophie Vanwambeke30h + 30h 5credits  x
Optional LBIR1343

Environmental Economics Frédéric Gaspart37.5h + 7.5h 4credits 2q x
Optional LAUCE3011

Acteurs, territoires et contextes de développement Bernard Declève (coord.), Julie Denef, Yves Hanin50h 5credits 1q x
Optional LGEO1242

Mathematical Geography Michel Crucifix, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou (coord.)30h + 15h 4credits 2q x
Optional LECGE1228

Regional Economics Florian Mayneris30h + 10h 3credits 2q x