lab | Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruxelles Saint-Gilles, Tournai

People’s Comfort and Health in Smart Buildings through Monitoring IEQ and Interacting with the Environmental Control Systems
The SHAPE project is organising a workshop ‘ARE YOU COMFORTABLE? People’s Comfort and Health in Smart Buildings through Monitoring IEQ and Interacting with the Environmental Control Systems’ at the Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe Conference on 11-14 June 2023 in Aachen, Germany. The workshop is a collaboration between UCLouvain, Politecnico di Milano, and VELUX as the industrial partner of the SHAPE project. ‘ARE YOU COMFORTABLE?’ elaborates on the question ‘Can we achieve an indoor environment promoting human comfort and environmental sustainability?’. This workshop aims to enhance the understanding of the communication between inhabitants and buildings, and to identify the role of smart devices and digitalisation in promoting healthy, sustainable and responsive buildings. Lectures on human factors and IEQ in buildings, digitalisation and Internet of Things (IoT) in smart buildings, and building design practices for sustainable living will be given. As part of a brainstorming session, a case study will be presented and the workshop topics will be discussed through a design exercise on this case study as a hands-on experience in breakout groups. Within this interactive workshop, environmental monitoring devices and personal comfort systems (PCS) will be experienced throughout the sessions. In the plenary discussion, workshop participants will discuss the outputs of the design exercise and their experiences in the brainstorming session. ‘ARE YOU COMFORTABLE’ will be conveyed by Seda KAÇEL (UCLouvain LAB), Nicole DI SANTO (Politecnico di Milano), Lucile SARRAN (VELUX) and Ambra GUGLIETTI (VELUX).
Link to the Conference:
Link to the Workshops:
The Smartness, Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation (SHAPE) project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (Grant agreement no 101032267), is conducted by Dr Seda KAÇEL and supervised by Prof Sergio ALTOMONTE at UCLouvain LAB (Louvain research institute for Landscape, Architecture, Built environment).