Industrial Organization
lidam | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons
You will find below our recent publications in industrial organization
Journal Articles
1. Belleflamme, Paul; Lambert, Thomas; Schwienbacher, Armin. Spillovers in Crowdfunding. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, (2025). doi:10.1111/jems.12625 (Accepté/Sous presse).
2. Johnen, Johannes; Somogyi, Robert. Deceptive Features on Platforms. In: The Economic Journal, Vol. 134, no.662, p. 2470-2493 (2024). doi:10.1093/ej/ueae016.
3. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Network goods, price discrimination, and two-sided platforms. In: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, (2024). doi:10.1628/jite-2024-0024 (Accepté/Sous presse).
4. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin; Toulemonde, Eric. The tension between market shares and profit under platform competition. In: International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2021.102807 (Accepté/Sous presse).
5. Johnen, Johannes; Ronayne, David. The only Dance in Town: Unique Equilibrium in a Generalized Model of Price Competition. In: The Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 69, no.3, p. 595-614 (2021). doi:10.1111/joie.12264.
6. Heidhues, Paul; Johnen, Johannes; Koszegi, Botond. Browsing versus Studying: A Pro-Market Case for Regulation. In: The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 88, no. 2, p. 708–729. doi:10.1093/restud/rdaa056.
7. Hindriks, Jean; Serse, Valerio. The Incidence of VAT Reforms in Electricity Markets: Evidence from Belgium. In: International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2021). (Accepté/Sous presse).
8. Quesada Perez, José Miguel; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien; Lange, Jean-Charles. Express Shipment Service Network Design with Complex Routes. In: Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 114, p. 104810 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.cor.2019.104810 (Accepté/Sous presse).
9. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. The competitive impacts of exclusivity and price transparency in markets with digital platforms. In: Concurrences : revue des droits de la concurrence, Vol. 1, p. 2-7 (2020).
10. Belleflamme, Paul; Lam, Wing Man Wynne; Vergote, Wouter. Competitive Imperfect Price Discrimination and Market Power. In: Marketing Science, Vol. 39, no. 5, p. 996–1015 (2020). doi:10.1287/mksc.2020.1234.
11. d'Aspremont-Lynden, Claude; Dos Santos Ferreira, Rodolphe. Exploiting separability in a multisectoral model of oligopolistic competition. In: Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 106, p. 51-59 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2020.01.009.
12. Belleflamme, Paul; Forlin, Valeria. Endogenous vertical segmentation in a Cournot oligopoly. In: Journal of Economics, Vol. 131, p. 181–195 (2020). doi:10.1007/s00712-020-00706-8.
13. Johnen, Johannes. Dynamic Competition in Deceptive Markets. In: The Rand Journal of Economics, Vol. 51, no. 2, p. 375-401 (2020). CORE Discussion Paper 2017/36. doi:10.1111/1756-2171.12318.
14. Agrell, Per Joakim; Mattsson, Pontus; Månsson, Jonas. Impacts on efficiency of merging the Swedish district courts. In: Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 288, p. 653–679 (2020). doi:10.1007/s10479-019-03304-0.
15. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Platform Competition: Who Benefits from Multihoming. In: International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 64, p. 1-26 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2018.03.014.
16. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Price disclosure by two-sided platforms. In: International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 67, p. 102529 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2019.102529 (Accepté/Sous presse).
17. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Managing competition on a two-sided platform. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 28, no.1, p. 5-22 (2019). doi:10.1111/jems.12311.
18. Johnen, Johannes. Automatic-Renewal Contracts with Heterogeneous Consumer Inertia. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 28, p. 765–786 (2019). CORE Discussion Paper 2017/30.
19. Gabszewicz, Jean J.; Marini, Marco A.; Tarola, Ornella. Endogenous mergers in markets with vertically differentiated products. In: The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Vol. 19, no.1 (2019). doi:10.1515/bejte-2017-0001.
20. Camelo, Sergio; Papavasiliou, Anthony; de Castro, Luciano; Riascos, Álvaro; Oren, Shmuel. A structural model to evaluate the transition from self-commitment to centralized unit commitment. In: Energy Economics, Vol. 75, p. 560-572 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2018.09.009.
21. Belleflamme, Paul; Vergote, Wouter. The Intricate Tale of Demand and Supply of Personal Data. In: Concurrences : revue des droits de la concurrence, Vol. 2018, no.3, p. 45-52.
22. Belleflamme, Paul. Modèles économiques des données : une relation complexe entre demande et offre. In: Enjeux Numériques, Vol. 2018, no.2, p. 9-13.
23. Belleflamme, Paul; Paolini, Dimitri. Strategic attractiveness and release decisions for cultural goods. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 28, no.2, p. 198-224 (2018). doi:10.1111/jems.12280.
24. Belleflamme, Paul; Toulemonde, Eric. Tax incidence on competing two-sided platforms. In: Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 20, p. 9-21 (2018). doi:10.1111/jpet.12275.
25. Parenti, Mathieu; Ushchev, Philip; Thisse, Jacques-François. Toward a Theory of Monopolistic Competition. In: Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 167, p. 86-115 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.jet.2016.10.005.
26. Belleflamme, Paul. Uber va-t-il mourir ?. In: The Conversation France, (11 décembre 2017).
27. Belleflamme, Paul. Dans l'économie du partage, il faut comprendre que les taxes aussi sont partagées. In: The Conversation France, (29 avril 2016).
28. Belleflamme, Paul; Omrani, Nessrine; Peitz, Martin. Understanding the strategies of crowdfunding platforms. In: CESifo DICE Report, Vol. 2, no. June, p. 6-10 (2016). (Accepté/Sous presse).
29. Belleflamme, Paul; Jacqmin, Julien. An Economic Appraisal of MOOC Platforms: Business Models and Impacts on Higher Education. In: CES-IFO Economic Studies, Vol. 62, no.1, p. 148-169 (2016). doi:10.1093/cesifo/ifv016.
30. Belleflamme, Paul; Vergote, Wouter. Monopoly price discrimination and privacy: The hidden cost of hiding. In: Economics Letters, Vol. 149, p. 141-144 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2016.10.027.
31. Jaskold Gabszewicz, Jean; Marini, Marco A.; Tarola, Ornella. Core existence in vertically differentiated markets. In: Economics Letters, Vol. 149, p. 28-32 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2016.09.032.
32. Belleflamme, Paul. The economics of digital goods: A progress report. In: Review of the Economic Research on Copyright Issues, Vol. 13, no. 2, p. 1-24 (2016).
33. Toulemonde, Eric; Belleflamme, Paul. Who benefits from increased competition among sellers on B2C platforms?. In: Research in Economics, Vol. 70, no.4, p. 741-751 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.rie.2016.08.006.
34. Belleflamme, Paul; Omrani, Nessrine; Peitz, Martin. The economics of crowdfunding platforms. In: Information Economics and Policy, Vol. 33, no.1, p. 11-28 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.infoecopol.2015.08.003.
35. Belleflamme, Paul. La "taxe rose" : un genre de prix ou des prix de genre ?. In: Problemes Economiques : selection de textes francais et etrangers, , no.3107 (03/2015).
36. Agrell, Per Joakim. Incentive Regulation of Networks. Concepts, definitions and models. In: Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, Vol. Tome LIV, no.2015/1, p. 103-132 (2015). doi:10.3917/rpve.541.0103.
Book Chapters
1. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Ratings, reviews and recommendations. In: Handbook of Cultural Economics , Edward Elgar, 2020, p. 466-473 (chap. 52). 9781788975797. xxx xxx. doi:10.4337/9781788975803.00058.
2. Jaskold Gabszewicz, Jean; Tarola, Ornella. Oligopoly and product differentiation. In: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Vol. 1 , Edward Elgar Publishing: (United Kingdom) Cheltenham, 2019, p. 137-180. 9781785363276. xxx xxx.
3. Belleflamme, Paul. Platforms and Network Effects. In: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, vol. 2 , Edward Elgar Publishing Limited: Chelthenham, UK, 2018, p. 286-317 (chap. 11). 9781788112772. xxx xxx.
4. Belleflamme, Paul; Thomas Lambert; Armin Schwienbacher. Effets de réseau et financement participatif : une analyse empirique. In: Financement participatif : une voie d’avenir pour la culture ? (Questions de culture chiffres; xxx), Ministère de la Culture / Presses de Sciences Po: Paris, 2018, p. 23-46. 978-2-72462185-3. xxx xxx.
5. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Inside the Engine Room of Digital Platforms: Reviews, Ratings and Recommendations. In: Economic Analysis of the Digital Revolution (FUNCAS Social and Economic Studies; xxx), Funcas: Madrid, Spain, 2018, p. 75-114. 978-84-15722-95-3. xxx xxx.
6. Belleflamme, Paul. Les plateformes de l’économie collaborative : fonctionnement et enjeux. In: La Consommation Collaborative , De Boeck Supérieur: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2017. 978-2-8073-0767-4. xxx xxx.
7. Belleflamme, Paul; Lambert, Thomas. An industrial organization framework to understand the strategies of crowdfunding platforms. In: International Perspectives on Crowdfunding. Positive, Normative and Critical Theory , Emerald Group Publishing Limited: Bingley, UK, 2016, p. 3-20. 978-1-78560-315-0. xxx xxx.
Working Papers
1. Willems, Bert; Yu, Yueting. Bidding and Investment in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Discriminatory versus Uniform-Price Auctions. 2023. 36 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE 2023/23.
2. Hunold, Matthias; Schlütter, Frank. Supply Contracts under Partial Forward Ownership. 2022. 47 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE 2022/03.
3. Johnen, Johannes; Leung, Benson Tsz Kin. Distracted from Comparison: Product Design and Advertisement with Limited Attention. 2022. 62 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE 2022/17.
4. Johnen, Johannes; Somogyi, Robert. Deceptive Features on Platforms. 2022. 62 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE 2022/19.
5. Schlütter, Frank. Managing Seller Conduct in Online Marketplaces and Platform Most-Favored Nation Clauses. 2022. 55 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE 2022/26.
6. Hindriks, Jean; Madio, Leonardo; Serse, Valerio. How do retailers compete on price promotions? Evidence from a temporary promotion ban in Belgium. 2022. 11 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE 2022/05.
7. Hindriks, Jean; Madio, Leonardo; Serse, Valerio. Promotion ban and heterogeneity in retail prices during the Great Lockdown. 2021. 35 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE 2021/05.
8. Belleflamme, Paul; Ha, Thuc Huan. Improving recycling: How far should we go?. 2021. 27 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE 2021/09.
9. Buehler, Benno; Hunold, Matthias; Schlütter, Frank. No-Challenge Clauses in Patent Licensing - Blessing or Curse?. 2021. 65 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE 2021/32.
10. Ciotti, Fabrizio; Hornuf, Lars; Stenzhorn, Eliza. Lock-In Effects in Online Labor Markets. 2021. 45 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE 2021/14.
11. d'Aspremont-Lynden, Claude; Dos Santos Ferreira, Rodolphe. Exploiting separability in a multisectoral model of oligopolistic competition. 2020. 21 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2020/09.
12. Gautier, Axel; Lamesch, Joe. Mergers in the digital economy. 2020. 34 p. CORE Discussion Papers 2020/01.
13. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Network goods, price discrimination, and two-sided patforms. 2020. 17 p. CORE Discussion Papers 2020/24.
14. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin; Toulemonde, Eric. The tension between market shares and profit under platform competition. 2020. 16 p. CORE Discussion Papers 2020/27.
15. Kichko, Sergey; Liang, Wen-Juang; Mai, Chao-Cheng; Thisse, Jacques-François; Wang, Ping. The rise (and fall) of science parks. 2020. 33 p. CORE Discussion Papers 2020/15.
16. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. The competitive impacts of exclusivity and price transparency in markets with digital platforms. 2019. 11 p. CORE Discussion Papers 2019/19.
17. Belleflamme, Paul; Lambert, Thomas; Schwienbacher, Armin. Crowdfunding dynamics. 2019. 48 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2019/14.
18. Belleflamme, Paul; Forlin, Valeria. Endogenous vertical segmentation in a Cournot oligopoly. 2019. 16 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2019/07.
19. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Ratings, reviews, recommendations and the consumption of cultural goods. 2019. 9 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2019/06.
20. Johnen, Johannes; David Ronayne. The Only Dance in Town: Unique Equilibrium in a Generalized Model of Price Competition. 2019. 17 p. xxx xxx.
21. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Price disclosure by two-sided platforms. 2019. 29 p. CORE Discussion Papers 2019/11.
22. Jaskold Gabszewicz, Jean; Marini, Marco; Zanaj, Skerdilajda. Random encounters and information diffusion about markets. 2018. 25 p. CORE Discussion Papers 2018/27.
23. Belleflamme, Paul; Toulemonde, Eric. Tax Incidence on Competing Two-Sided Platforms: Lucky Break or Double Jeopardy. 2016. xxx xxx.
24. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. Platforms and network effects. 2016. xxx xxx.
25. Belleflamme, Paul; Toulemonde, Eric. Who Benefits from Increased Competition Among Sellers on B2C Platforms ?. 2016. 22 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2016/31.
26. Belleflamme, Paul. Monopoly price discrimination and privacy: the hidden cost of hiding. 2015. 13 p. CORE Discussion Papers 2015/42.
27. Belleflamme, Paul; Paolini, Dimitri. Strategic Promotion and Release Decisions for Cultural Goods. 2015. 41 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2015/37.
28. Jaskold Gabszewicz, Jean; Marini, Marco A.; Tarola, Ornella. Alliance Formation in a Vertically Differentiated Market. 2015. 36 p. CORE Discussion Paper 2015/30.
1. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin. The Economics of Platforms : Concepts and Strategy. Cambridge University Press, 2021. 9781108696913. 256 pages.
2. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz , Martin. Industrial Organization : Markets and Strategies. Cambridge University Press, 2015. 9781107687899. 822 pages.