It’s Not Elementary! The Successive Lives of Eka-Manganese aka Element 43
isp | Louvain-la-Neuve
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It’s Not Elementary! The Successive Lives of Eka-Manganese aka Element 43
07 Jun
Thème : Chemistry
Conférencière : Brigitte Van Tiggelen (Science History Institute)
In 1988, a contribution appeared in the journal Nuclear Physics, signed by the Belgian nuclear chemist Pieter Van Assche with the title “The ignored discovery of the element Z = 43”.
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It’s Not Elementary! The Successive Lives of Eka-Manganese aka Element 43
07 Jun
Thème : Chemistry
Conférencière : Brigitte Van Tiggelen (Science History Institute)
In 1988, a contribution appeared in the journal Nuclear Physics, signed by the Belgian nuclear chemist Pieter Van Assche with the title “The ignored discovery of the element Z = 43”.