26/04/2021 - Interdisciplinary approaches for addressing the 21 century water challenges
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26/04/2021 - Interdisciplinary approaches for addressing the 21 century water challenges
26 Apr
Interdisciplinary approaches for addressing the 21st century water challenges
26 April 2021
13:00 -18:00
Online symposium
Download the programme of the symposium
There is no life without water. Water is a driver for development: it is vital for human nutrition and health and essential for ecosystem management, agriculture, energy, economic development, peace, and security.
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26/04/2021 - Interdisciplinary approaches for addressing the 21 century water challenges
26 Apr
Interdisciplinary approaches for addressing the 21st century water challenges
26 April 2021
13:00 -18:00
Online symposium
Download the programme of the symposium
There is no life without water. Water is a driver for development: it is vital for human nutrition and health and essential for ecosystem management, agriculture, energy, economic development, peace, and security.