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European Business II (EB2) LLN [15.0]

Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
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3 courses to be chosen from :
Optional LLSMS2065

Seminar in Cross Cultural Competences and Management (in English)
(CEMS and IB students have priority on this course. Restricted access for European Business students) 
Ina Ehnert, Sunita Malhotra 30h  5credits  2q  x x
Optional LLSMS2062

European Business (in English)  Régis Coeurderoy 30h  5credits  2q  x x
Optional LLSMS2063

Industrial Relations in Europe (in English)  Evelyne Léonard 30h  5credits  2q  x x
Optional LECON2382

European Monetary Policy  Bernard Delbecque 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LECON2486

Seminar on Microeconomic Policy Issues in Europe  Hylke Vandenbussche 30h  5credits    x x
| 16/05/2011 |