
Luca Mantani has been awarded the 1st prize for the best poster
In occasion of the 14th International workshop on Top Physics, Luca Mantani has been awarded the 1st prize for the best poster which presents his work on constraining the SMEFT coefficient through LHC
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Online conference on particle physics for the ‘Printemps des sciences’
Discover particle physics, fundamental interactions and cosmology thanks to three videos. What are the smallest constituants of matter? Which forces hold them together?
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Pieter David awarded by the CMS collaboration
On the 1st of February 2021, in a virtual plenary session, the CMS Collaboration awarded some of its researchers for their outstanding contributions to the experiment.
One of this year's awardees is
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Heavy Metal hits the Top
A new result by the CMS collaboration accepted in Physical Review Letters demonstrates for the first time that top quarks are produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions.
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NA62 sees the first significant evidence of rare kaon decay
At ICHEP-2020 the NA62 collaboration presented the first significant evidence of the rare kaon decay into a charged pion and two neutrinos
The presented result corresponds to the analysis of the 2018
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