Residual stresses, Geometrical Defects and Surface Hardening: Impacts on Lifetime of Biomedical Implants by Maïté CROONENBORGHS
immc | Louvain-la-Neuve

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Residual stresses, Geometrical Defects and Surface Hardening: Impacts on Lifetime of Biomedical Implants by Maïté CROONENBORGHS
12 Feb
The imperative of reliability of biomedical implants is crucial to ensure their long-term functionality, thereby reducing the need for additional, sometimes invasive, surgical interventions. In this context, growing rods used to correct scoliosis in growing children face challenges related to a high fatigue failure rate.
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Residual stresses, Geometrical Defects and Surface Hardening: Impacts on Lifetime of Biomedical Implants by Maïté CROONENBORGHS
12 Feb
The imperative of reliability of biomedical implants is crucial to ensure their long-term functionality, thereby reducing the need for additional, sometimes invasive, surgical interventions. In this context, growing rods used to correct scoliosis in growing children face challenges related to a high fatigue failure rate.