immc | Louvain-la-Neuve
Our institute is committed to meet the changing needs of our society and to forge a sustainable future. The Institute provides an integrated environment for the advancement of engineering, with an emphasis on creativity and problem solving.
Discover the expertise of our academics :

João Almeida
Research topics:
- Experimental testing under Extreme and Dynamic Loading
- Nonlinear and Dynamic Structural Modelling and Assessment
- New Reinforcement Materials for Concrete Structures”
Contact: joao.almeida@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/joao.almeida

Yann Bartosiewicz
Research topics:
- Ejector/jetpump technology (numerical simulations, experiment): supersonic ejectors, two-phase ejectors, jetpump
- Nuclear thermalhydraulics (numerical simulations, experiment)
- Heat and mass transfers related to energy efficiency
- Thermodynamic analysis of thermal cycles (exergy analysis)
- Computational fluid dynamics
Contact: yann.Bartosiewicz@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/Yann.Bartosiewicz

Philippe Chatelain
Research topics:
- Numerical methods in fluid mechanics (Lagrangian methods, vorticity-based, immersed interface, fluid-structure interaction)
- Aerodynamics and wakes in wind energy
- Bio-locomotion fluid mechanics: swimming and flapping flight
- Bio-inspired flow devices and flow control: energy harvesting and locomotion
Contact: philippe.chatelain@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/philippe.chatelain

Francesco Contino
Research topics:
- Sustainable Energy
- Uncertainty
- Robust design optimization by working on efficient optimizer and fast uncertainty quantification methods
Contact: francesco.contino@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/francesco.contino

Bruno Dehez
Research topics:
- Study of electromagnetic devices (prototype, simulation),
- Study of small electric motor (electromechanical conversion),
- Optimization research (topology),
- Electromechanical storage (flywheels)
Contact: bruno.dehez@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/bruno.dehez

Emmanuel De Jaeger
- Power systems dynamics and control
- Power systems adequacy
- Interactions between power electronics converters and power grids
- Micro-grids.
Contact: emmanuel.dejaeger@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/emmanuel.dejaeger

Laurent Delannay
Research topics:
Contact: laurent.delannay@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/laurent.delannay

Eric Deleersnijder
- Oceanography
- Modelling complex reactive transport processes
- Tracer and timescale diagnostic methods
- Geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics
Contact: eric.deleersnijder@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/eric.deleersnijder/

Juray De Wilde
Research topics:
- Multi-scale reactor modelling and Design
- Heterogeneous catalysis and Reaction kinetics
- Process Intensification and Electrification
- Structured reactors and Vortex chamber reactors
- Steam Methane Reforming, Bi-Reforming, AutoThermal Reforming
Contact: juray.dewilde@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/juray.dewilde

Issam Doghri
- Development of nonlinear constitutive models of solid materials both at the macroscopic scale and homogenisation-based
- Studies of rigorous and efficient models and of algorithms for homogeneous and heterogeneous materials
Contact: issam.doghri@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/issam.doghri

Niels Horsten
Research topics:
Contact: niels.horsten@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/niels.horsten

Hosni Idrissi
Research topics:
- Small scale plasticity/failure mechanisms
- Ex-situ and in-situ nanomechanical testing
- Advanced transmission electron microscopy
Contact: hosni.idrissi@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/hosni.idrissi

Pascal Jacques
Research topics:
- Study of metallic materials (for transport, energy recovery, optimization of heating...)
- Study of biomaterials
- Analysis of metals (corrosion, resistance, 3D manufacturing method)
Contact: pascal.jacques@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/pascal.jacques

Hervé Jeanmart
- Combustion chemistry (kinetics)
- Biomass
- Energy system and Storage
- Combustion engines
- Renewable potential (EROI)
Contact: herve.jeanmart@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/herve.jeanmart

Greet Kerckhofs
- Biomechanical engineering
- Biomedical engineering
- Material science (metals, porous materials)
Contact: Greet.Kerckhofs@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/Greet.Kerckhofs

Pierre Latteur
Research topics: Structural engineering
- Timber engineering
- Tensegrity structures
- Reciprocal structures
- Agrivoltaic structures
- Optimization of structures
Contact: pierre.latteur@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/pierre.latteur

Vincent Legat
Research topics:
- Computational physics applied to materials engineering and fluid mechanics
- Finite elements methods
- Multi-scale modelling of land-sea continuum
- Immersed granular flow
Contact: vincent.legat@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/vincent.legat/

Patricia Luis Alconero
Research topics:
- Study of membrane technologies (separation of gases)
- CO2 Capture Analysis
- Study of water treatment
- Study of the liquid-liquid separation process
Contact: patricia.luis@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/patricia.luis
Nicolas Moës
Research topics:
- numerical methods for fracture and damage mechanics
- improved solvers merging meshing and computational tools
- physics-based numerical scheme for moving discontinuities
Contact: nicolas.moes@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/nicolas.moes

Miltiadis Papalexandris
Research topics:
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Multi-phase flows
- Reacting flows and combustion
- Non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Contact: miltiadis.papalexandris@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://sites.google.com/site/mvpapalexandris/

Thomas Pardoen
Research topics:
- Mechanical behaviour of materials
- New materials for extreme environments
- Eco-selection and circularity of materials
Contact: thomas.pardoen@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/thomas.pardoen

Joris Proost
Research topics:
- Materials and processes for energy conversion and storage
- (Photo-)electrochemical hydrogen production
- Electronic materials and processing
- Environmental electrochemistry, waste water treatment, porous electrodes, sonochemistry and cavitation
- Functional metallic oxide films, cellular materials, selective oxidation
- Surface reactivity of metals and metallic oxides in gaseous and aqueous environments
- In-situ internal stress monitoring, on-line process diagnostics
Contact: joris.proost@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/joris.proost

Hadrien Rattez
Research topics:
- Mechanical behavior of geomaterials
- Developing constitutive laws
- Experimental methods and advanced numerical models for the understanding and modeling of the effect of thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical couplings and the triggering of instabilities in geomaterials
Contact: hadrien.rattez@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/hadrien.rattez

Benoît Raucent
Research topics:
- Medical and Bio- Robotics
Contact: benoit.raucent@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/benoit.raucent

Jean-François Remacle
Research topics:
- Numerical methods (finite element methods, adaptive methods, stochastic methods)
- Meshing algorithms
- Computational Mechanics
Contact: jean-francois.remacle@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/jean-francois.remacle

Renaud Ronsse
Research topics:
- Lower-limb prostheses,
- rehabilitation robotics,
- human-robot interactions,
- biomechanics of swimming and flying,
- humanoid robotics, locomotion, motor control
Contact: renaud.ronsse@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/renaud.ronsse/

Aude Simar
Research topics:
- Mechanical behaviour of aluminium alloys (Ductility, toughness, fatigue)
- Additive Manufacturing (Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, Additive Friction Stir Deposition)
- Dissimilar welding process (Friction Melt Bonding, Friction Stir Welding)
Contact: aude.simar@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://uclouvain.be/en/people/aude.simar

Sandra Soares-Frazao
- Sediment transport study
- Analysis of fluvial hydraulics (flood, ...)
- Flow modelling (fast flood)
Contact: sandra.soares-frazao@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/sandra.soares-frazao

Grégoire Winckelmans
Research topics:
- Numerical methods in fluid mechanics (Lagrangian methods, vorticity-based)
- Turbulence modelling
- Fundamental fluid mechanics
- Aircraft wakes
Contact: gregoire.winckelmans@uclouvain.be
Personal site: https://www.uclouvain.be/en/people/gregoire.winckelmans