Northern Lights (with Aarhus, since 2012)
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Louvain Aarhus Northern Lights Workshop
19/03/2021Former 3836 Louvain-Aarhus Project (2012-15)
The project "Theory of Democracy, Theory of Justice and Public Policy" aims at fostering collaboration
between teams of researchers at Louvain and Aarhus. This project is funded for 2012-2015 by the FAI.
25/09/2020 Louvain-Arhus Northern Lights (Teams)
24/06/19 Louvain-Aarhus video workshop
23/09/16 Utopian Universities (Louvain-la-Neuve)
7-8/01/16 Workshop on Political Philosophy (Aarhus). Travelling to Aarhus are Yannick Vanderborght, Antoine Hamelin, Katarina Pitase Fragoso, Siba Harb and Tim Meijers.
26-27/05/15 Workshop on Luck-Egalitarianism (Louvain-la-Neuve)
26-27/02/15 Workshop on The Limits of Justice (Aarhus)
22-23/05/14 Workshop on Political Philosophy (Aarhus)
18/10/13 Louvain-Aarhus Political Philosophy High-speed Video Workshop 2
13-14/6/13 Workshop on Discrimination (Louvain-la-Neuve)
14/12/12 Louvain-Aarhus Political Philosophy High-speed Video Workshop 1
Exchange of PhD students and post-docs
- PhD student visiting Louvain-la-Neuve: Jens Damgaard-Thaysen, May-June 2014.
- PhD student visiting Aarhus: Tim Meijers, May-June 2014.
- PhD student visiting Aarhus: Chloé Castagnet, April-May 2014.
- PhD paper presentation in Aarhus: François Côté-Vaillencourt, April 28, 2014.
- Post-doc paper presentation in Aarhus: Danielle Zwarthoed, March 17, 2014.
- PhD paper presentation in Aarhus: Thierry Ngosso, October 21, 2013.
- Post-doc paper presentation in Aarhus: John Pitseys, September 24, 2013.
- PhD student visiting Louvain-la-Neuve: David Axelsen, September-December 2012.
- PhD student visiting Aarhus: Thierry Ngosso, May-June 2013.
Louvain coordinator: Axel Gosseries
Aarhus coordinator: Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen
Louvain-Aarhus Northern Lights 202119 Mar19 Mar...
14:00 – 14:05: Welcome
14:05 – 14:35: ‘Libertarianism and Reciprocity’ by Pietro Intropi (Hoover Chair, UCLouvain; Trinity College Dublin)
14:35 – 15:05: ‘Reactions Qualifications, Appearance, and Choice-Sensitivity’ by Søren Flinch Midtgaard (Aarhus University)
15:05 – 15:35: ‘The Epistemic (In-)Transparency of Political Legitimacy’ by Matthias Brinkmann (Oslo University)15:35 – 15:50: Coffee Break
15:50 – 16:20: ‘Basic Income and Unequal Longevity’ by Manuel Valente (Hoover Chair, UCLouvain)
16:20 – 16:50: ‘Proportionate interventionism and self-determination’ by Fredrik Hjorthen (Oslo University)
16:50 – 17:20: ‘Driving it home: why bussing electors to the polls is no different from other ways of paying for turnout’ by Jørn Sønderholm, Jens Damgaard Thaysen, and Jakob Thrane Mainz (Aalborg University)En savoir plusLouvain-Aarhus Northern Lights 202119 Mar19 Mar...SCHEDULE
14:00 – 14:05: Welcome
14:05 – 14:35: ‘Libertarianism and Reciprocity’ by Pietro Intropi (Hoover Chair, UCLouvain; Trinity College Dublin)
14:35 – 15:05: ‘Reactions Qualifications, Appearance, and Choice-Sensitivity’ by Søren Flinch Midtgaard (Aarhus University)
15:05 – 15:35: ‘The Epistemic (In-)Transparency of Political Legitimacy’ by Matthias Brinkmann (Oslo University)15:35 – 15:50: Coffee Break
15:50 – 16:20: ‘Basic Income and Unequal Longevity’ by Manuel Valente (Hoover Chair, UCLouvain)
16:20 – 16:50: ‘Proportionate interventionism and self-determination’ by Fredrik Hjorthen (Oslo University)
16:50 – 17:20: ‘Driving it home: why bussing electors to the polls is no different from other ways of paying for turnout’ by Jørn Sønderholm, Jens Damgaard Thaysen, and Jakob Thrane Mainz (Aalborg University)