Analysing plant responses to stresses via Laser Ablation ICP-MS : on ICP-MS : From bulk ionomic quantification to element bioimaging at the cellular level : concrete applications of Laser Ablation ICP-MS in plant science by Daniel P. Persson (University o
The seminar will be followed by a workshop to exchange about anatomy of plant cross-sections, its functional roles, and microscopy techniques to investigate it.
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Partenaires Contrat Captage
Avec la collaboration des centres pilotes, l’UCLouvain met en place des essais sur le terrain afin de récolter des données scientifiques pour les conseillers PROTECT'eau et les agr
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Insectes et bactéries, des alliances qui ont chaud!
François Renoz a obtenu un poste de Chercheur Qualifié FNRS au Earth & Life Institute de l’UCLouvain.
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SEFY: 10 years and a rejuvenation!
To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the SEFY platform is getting a facelift!
The phytotrons
The SEFY platform is equipped with a serie of phytotrons (growth chambers) for&
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Deep Horizon : soil deal for Europe
Scientists are embarking on a new study aimed at better understanding the qualities, importance and function of subsoil in maintaining crucial soil health in the face of climate change.
A team
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