Geomatics Research Projects
elie | Louvain-la-Neuve
ESA Sentinels for CAP
Sentinel CAP Common Agricultural Policy Sen4Cap EU European Union

The Climate Change Initiative Land Cover project aims at providing long-term satellite-based products on the land surface and its dynamics to further understand the climate system and support climate modelling. Consistent global products were generated: global maps characterizing LC and changes at 300m from 1992 to 2015, a series of the seasonality of the vegetation greenness, snow and burned areas and a global map of open permanent water bodies at 150m. The project also generated 10-m land cover maps with Sentinel-2 over Africa and MesoAmerica.
CCI_Landcover CCI landcover esa globalland cover change annual update seasonality climate multi-mission

C3S aims at maximizing the exploitation of the scientific expertise from the ESA CCI Land Cover, adapting the CCI maps generation to Sentinel-3 SLSTR and OLCI sensors, and bringing these processing chains into fully operational and agile production lines.
Copernicus Service Landcover C3S

Sentinel-2 for Agriculture
Sen2Agri Sentinel Sentinel-2 agriculture international Earth Observation crop monitoring
Lifewatch WB
Lifewatch is the European Research Infrastructure Consortium for biodiversity and ecosystem research. Lifewatch Wallonia-Brussels is a remote sensing data provider for ecosystem monitoring. Near real time detection of extreme phenological events based on the analysis of more than 15 years of snow and vegetation time series; and an integrated large scale (2 m resolution) geographic object database iteratively tuned for the modelling of species habitats and biotope characterization.
Lifewatch wallonia brussels ecosystem monitoring phenological events

Ecolass Copernicus Economy Africa Europe

Belcam agriculture winter wheat maize potatoe belspo belgium

jecam agricultural systems agriculture global monitoring international

RIOFAC Central Africa Congo Bassin COMIFAC

THEO aims to design with space copanies a new generation of hyperspectral high resolution Earth Observation micro-satellite to tackle new land surface detection challenges.
theo earth observation hyperspectral high resolution

BelSAR project carries out an airborne campagin that acquires SAR bistatic and interferometric measurements at L-band and full polarization over a Belgian test suite
belsar sar belgium

ares lucid philippine corn high-input

mep mep-tps locust desert habitat monitoring FAO Greeness PROBA-V 100m mission exploitation platform food security

Very high resolution smallholder farmer precision agriculture

Earth observation based Crop Yield Forecasting System
In the context of high demand for an operational Crop Yield Forecasting System relying on the European Sentinel's Earth observation system, the objectives of the ECYFS project (for Earth observation based Crop Yield Forecasting System) are to develop, experiment and validate a new crop yield estimation methodology able to ingest properly crop specific remotely sensed data.
Earth Observation Crop Yield Forecasting System Sentinel-2

sigma agriculture monitoring sustainable global

imagines agriculture agricultural indicators sentinels copernicus global land service products

geoland copernicus services core mapping information

D4D Big Data Senegal Vegetation Indices millet prices mobile phone