Soil Physical Properties
elie | Louvain-la-Neuve

This laboratory has most of the standard instruments to characterise the hydraulic properties of about a hundred soil samples at the same time.
Retention curve
For the retention curve, the following equipment is available :
- two sandboxes to characterise the retention curve of about 90 soil samples from pF 0 to pF 1.8.
- six pressure plate extractors for the retention curve between pF 2 and 4.2.
- a water potential analyser for high pF by psychrometry (WP4C).
- a 10 cell HyProp system (evaporation method) for 100 & 250 cm³ soil samples.
Hydraulic conductivity curve
For the hydraulic conductivity curve :
- a permeameter for the saturated hydraulic conductivity. (Closed system - 10 holders)
- 3 KSAT units ;
- the HyProp system.
Soil structural stability
QuantiSlake tests can be carried out:
- 2 soil samples of 100cm³ can be processed at the same time. (Raspberry Pi + Scales)
In addition, the laboratory has several instruments for in situ measurements: pressure & suction infiltrometers, TDR probes, tensiometers, etc. and equipment for soil sampling (Rings of 100, 250, 1000 cm³).
It can be found at B.230 (De Serres building). For any information or request for use, please contact:
- Olivier Lebbe (Technical manager)
- Basile Delvoie (Scientific manager)
- Mathieu Javaux (Academic head)
- Sébastien François (ELIe technician)
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