Actualités & Events
agro | Louvain-la-Neuve

All about protein transition
All about the protein transition - Océane Duluins and Philippe Baret publish an article in Nature Food
Our colleagues Océane Duluins and Philippe Baret, respectively assistant and professor at the Fa
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Bioengineering in the spotlight
For oganisational reasons, we would ask you to register for the ceremony. Thank you
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Guillaume Lobet gets the moon (or nearly)
Guillaume Lobet, professor at the Faculty of Bioengineering, at the Earth and Life Institute (UCLouvain) and at the Agrosphere Institute (Forschungszentrum Juelich, DE), has received a “Consolidator G
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Sonia Collin, new member
Sonia Collin, a renowned researcher in the field of chocolate flavours and polyphenols, is now a member of "L'Académie Française du chocolat et de la confiserie".
The academy at a glance
Founded 2
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L’option 9A s’aventure au nord du Portugal à la découverte de nouveaux biomes et pathosystèmes
Le lundi 15 avril, une équipe dynamique de 13 étudiant·es de Master 2 de l’option Santé Végétale (9A) s'est réunie à Porto pour entamer une expérience inoubliable.
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