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ipsy | Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruxelles Woluwe

Traineeships are possible for exchange students (Master and PhD levels) in the following fields of research:
  • Cognition and neurosciences

>Intergenerational transmission of memory
>Internship in Human vision sciences Lab
>Perception and Action Neuropsychology
>Numerical Cognition in Adults

  • Clinical and health psychology 

>Cognitive, emotional and social processes in alcohol-related disorders
>Alexithymia and emotion regulation: the role of executive functions and salience processing
>Quels sont les facteurs étant à l’origine de la comorbidité entre la dyslexie et la dyscalculie

  • Developmental and educational psychology


  • Social behaviour, work and society

>Stages de recherche - WORCPsyLab

>Stage de recherche en psychologie sociale, au sein du laboratoire de psychologie sociale


If you are interested, please follow this procedure:

  • Contact a promotor in your field: Research Domains | UCLouvain. Please note that promotors are entitled to reject applications if the candidates’ credentials are not considered sufficient for the internship.
  • Send the documents that are required by the promotor (for ex: resume or grades) and wait for his·her written consent.
  • Fill in the agreement between UCLouvain and your home institution.

Contact person : Nadine Fraselle,

You are finishing your master’s degree and are interested in a PhD at our university? Visit the dedicated page here and learn more about what UCLouvain has to offer to PhD candidates.

Welcome guide:

Welcome to LLN (

Erasmus Student Network (social activities) :

Pour les académiques d'IPSY:

Afin de faciliter l'intégration académique et sociale en IPSY des chercheur·e·s en mobilité internationale que vous accueillez dans votre laboratoire, merci de compléter ce formulaire.