Drone-based photogrammetry for easy and fast topography measurements
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Drone-based photogrammetry for easy and fast topography measurements
Short Project description
This project aims at the development drone-based photogrammetry using low-cost devices. In the present case, images are acquired from a GoPro camera mounted on a drone. After treatment of the images, a DTM (digital terrain model) can be obtained with an accuracy of a few centimeters (usually less than 10 cm).
The technique was successfully applied to monitor morphological changes occurring on the Cavaillon River in Haiti following the passage of hurricane Matthew in 2016.
Keywords, main expertise
Photogrammetry, drone, topography
Funding bodies
UCLouvain promotor(s)
Sandra Soares-Frazao
UCLouvain researcher(s)
Rotchild Louis, Gerardson Mathieu, Masoumeh Ebrahimi, Robin Meurice
External partners
Université d’Etat d’Haïti