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Short Project description
SEALAB is an online solution for hydrodynamic modeling in coastal areas. We provide cloud-based ocean modeling and monitoring solutions for your specific area of interest. Our smart and user-friendly platform allows you to easily simulate coastal processes anywhere on the globe and for any period of time with state-of-the-art hydrodynamic, wave and transport models. Our technology allows users to precisely quantify the environmental impact of anthropogenic activities such as coastal or offshore construction projects, dredging activities, waste water dumping, plastic pollution and many more.
Extended project description
Coastal waters are very energetic and sea state rapidly evolves. Being able to predict the conditions of operability requires to understand the physical processes at stake. SEALAB Modeling quickly solves your problem by its smart and user-friendly platform allowing you to easily run coastal ocean simulations anywhere in the world and for any period of time. Our variable-resolution unstructured-mesh ocean and wave models enable you to accurately simulate fine-scale flow features in areas of interest. Building the mesh, gathering all the model forcing and parameterizing it is a matter of minutes. We take care of all the technical issues so that you can focus on your application. You can plan/simulate different dredging, reclamation or infrastructure building scenarii and compare results. You can also use the currents and waves to simulate the transport of drifting objects and substances such as oil spills, sediment plumes or plastic debris.
- One platform, many models: Our cloud-based platform includes state-of-the-art open-source models of the ocean circulation, waves, oil spills, sediments and many more.
- Simple interface for complex models: We take care of all the technical issues and easily guide you step-by-step through the models configuration.
- Simulation results delivered quickly: Computational resources are no longer a limiting factor as you can draw on virtually unlimited HPC resources.
At SEALAB, we are a team of engineers and PhD scientists with a strong track record in coastal ocean modeling. We are at the leading edge of hydrodynamic model development with state-of-the-art numerical methods. Our team has developed and applied a number of models including SLIM, SWAN and OpenDrift. Thanks to our strong ties with university research, these models are continuously assessed, validated and further developed. We can therefore find the best tools to address your specific needs.
At SEALAB, we can help you with:
- Customized developments and integration of your data and tools in our Modeling and Monitoring products.
- Marine ecology modeling & management
- Oil pollution exposure, impact & contingency planning
- Coastal development Environmental Impact Assessment
- Land reclamation & dredging
- Infrastructure design & site characterisation
Here are some projects we recently performed:
- EIA of dredging and land reclamation in the Arabian Gulf (for UNEP)
- EIA of mining activities on dugong populations in the Southern Great Barrier Reef (for the Australian Marine Conservation Society)
- Characterization of the transmission patterns of a coral disease in the Florida Reef Tract (for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection)
Keywords, main expertise
Hydrodynamic modeling, coastal erosion, marine building design, oil spill, plastic pollution, environmental impact assesment, search and rescue
Funding bodies
UCLouvain promotor(s)
Emmanuel Hanert
UCLouvain researcher(s)
Francois Duquesne, Valentin Vallaeys, David Vincent.
External partners
Link to existing Webpage(s)
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