Digital Utopias
hoover | Louvain-la-Neuve

19/02/2016, Louvain-la-Neuve
The digital environment has generated a great deal of utopian thinking, such as the idea of a cyberspace where anonymous users largely escape state regulation, the opportunities for individual speech and democratic participation, or the promises of a more horizontal economy and a strengthening of the social fabric due to new forms of collaborative production and consumption practices.
Today however, enthusiasm has largely given way to skepticism and disillusionment: Internet is often seen as a means of mass surveillance in the hands of state and multinational companies, a tool for state censorship, a space filled with hatred and dangerous speech, or a means of increased competition threating the right of workers and the Welfare State.
Are the social changes induced by the Internet getting us closer from the utopias of the pionneers, or do they foreshadow the dystopias uncovered by contemporary thinkers? From John Perry Barlow to Evgeny Morozov, what remains of the promises of the Internet ?
Organizers : Maxime Lambrecht et Alain Strowel
(9.15-9.30) Opening words: Maxime Lambrecht & Alain Strowel
(9:30 - 11:00) Peer production and the “sharing economy”: a utopia worth rescuing?
Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation)
Richard Robert (ParisTech Review)
Chair: Maxime Lambrecht (UClouvain/Sciences Po Paris)
(11:30 - 13:00) Dangerous speech and the utopia of a pacified public sphere
Susan Benesch (Berkman Center, Harvard University)
Jonathan Leader Maynard (Oxford University)
Chair: Axel Gosseries (Hoover Chair, UCLouvain)
(14:30 - 16:00) From Net neutrality to platform neutrality ?
Alexandre de Streel (CRIDS, UNamur)
Jens-Henrik Jeppesen (Center for Democracy and Technology)
Chair: Alain Strowel (UCLouvain, USLB)
(16:30 - 18:00) Privacy and security online : a choice between two utopias ?
Mireille Hildebrand (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Nicole Dewandre (European Commission, DG Connect)
Chair: Olivier Pereira (Crypto Group, UCLouvain)