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Dai Yokomizo

drt | Louvain-la-Neuve

Université de Nagoya (Japon)

Dai YOKOMIZO is Professor of Law at Nagoya University, Graduate School ofLaw, Nagoya, Japan, where he has taught since 2008. A graduate of TheUniversity ofTokyo Graduate School for Law and Politics (LL.B., LL.M.),Professor Yokomizo’s main research and teaching interests include PrivateInternational Law, Comparative Law and Private Law Theory. He is a memberat the Committee on Intellectual Property and Private International Law ofInternational Law Association, Associate Editor of the Japanese Yearbook ofInternational Law, member of the Advisory Board of the Italian Law Journal,and Member of the International Committee of Rivista di Diritto Sportivo. Hewas invited as visiting Scholar at the University of Rouen, University Paris IIPantheon Assas and Humboldt University and taught at the University ofParis I Pantheon Sorbonne, University of Palermo and at Tashkent University.


  • Jeudi 20 avril 2023 de 11h45 à 12h45 (LECL 62) : Convergence and Divergence of Conflict of Laws in Matters of Intellectual Property: Alternative Ways? | Droits intellectuels et nouvelles technologies [LDROP2102]

  • Lundi 24 avril 2023 de 10h45 à 12h45 (SOCR 11) : Introduction to the Japanese Legal System | Introduction au droit comparé [LDROI1310]

  • Mardi 25 avril 2023 de 8h30 à 10h30 (MORE 51) : International Estate Planning | Droit international privé notarial [LNOTA2001]

  • Mardi 25 avril 2023 de 16h15 à 18h15 (MORE 56) : Damages in case of nuclear and other environmental disasters | Droit des accidents et des catastrophes [LDROP2011]


  • Vendredi 21 avril 2023 de 9h à 18h (Salle Jean Dabin) : The Japanese experience of conflict of laws codification - Colloque

  • Jeudi 27 avril 2023 de 12h45 à 14h30 (MORE 71) : Economics and regulation of digital platform - Lunch talk