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Yuko Nishitani

drt | Louvain-la-Neuve

Kyoto University Graduate School of Law

Domaine d'expertise : Droit comparé, droit international privé, droit de la famille, droit de la procédure civile internationale

Yuko Nishitani is Professor of International Private and Business Law at Kyoto University Graduate School of Law in Japan since April 2015. Prior to this, she held a chair at Tohoku University (1997-2007) and Kyushu University (2011-2015). Among various research stays abroad, she visited Duke Law School in the U.S. (2009/12) and the University of Brescia in Italy (2007/08). She was also a Director of Studies (2004) and Lecturer (2011) at the Hague Academy of International Law. She is a corresponding member of the Cambridge Family Law Center.

After completing her undergraduate and master studies at Kyoto University, she did research in Hamburg and Heidelberg in Germany from 1994 till 1997. She received a PhD in July 1998 from the University of Heidelberg with a thesis „Mancini und die Parteiautonomie im Internationalen Privatrecht“, which was awarded the Lucia-und-Rolf-Serick-Preis 1998 and published in 2000. She further did research in Milan and Florence (1999-2000), New York (2003-2004), Paris (2007-2008) and Hamburg (2009-2011). She also served as a Senior Legal Officer on Secondment at the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (2004).


  • Lundi 5 mars 2018 de 14h00 à 16h00 (AGOR 11)  : Family Law in Asia - Droit approfondi de la famille [LDROP 2071]
  • Mardi 6 mars 2018 de 14h00 à 16h00 (MORE 70) : « The Hague Judgement Convention : a worldwide project on recognition and enforcement, a view from the inside » - Droit judiciaire européen [LDROP 2171]


  • Mardi 6 mars 2018 à partir de 09h30 (AGOR 11) : Rencontre avec les doctorants des centres de droit de la famille et du CeDIE
  • Mercredi 7 mars 2018 de 12h30 à 14h30 (Salle Jean Dabin) : « Global Citizens and Global Families » - Séminaire de recherche - Inscription


Invitée par les Professeurs S. Francq, J.-Y. Carlier, G. Willems, G. Schamps, J. Sosson.