Indra Spiecker
drt | Louvain-la-Neuve
Goethe university
Domaines d'expertise : droit public, droit de l'information, droit de l'environnement, sciences administratives
Indra Spiecker is Professor of public and administrative law, information law, environmental law and legal theory at Goethe university Frankfurt/Main, Germany since 2013. She is also director of the Data Protection Research Institute and Ineges, Institute of European Health Politics and Social Law, thereof. Prior to joining the university of Frankfurt, she was Professor of public and administrative law, telecommunications law, data protection law at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (2007-2013), where she also served as director of the Institute on Information Economics. Prior to these appointments, she started her career as Assistant Professor MaxPlanck Institute on Common Goods (Bonn, Germany, 2000-2007) after earning her Ph.D. at the university of Bonn (1999). She read law at Bonn University, Mainz University, Heidelberg University and Georgetown Center of Law, USA (1990-1996). She also clerked at the Court of Appeals Koblenz (1997-1999). Indra is co-editor of the European Data Protection Law Review as well as Computer und Recht und Verwaltungsarchiv. She has given advisory opinions to the German Bundestag and several federal ministries as well as several state parliaments, NGOs and companies.
- Jeudi 08 mars 2018 de 10h45 à 12h45 (LECL 61) : Data protection in the digital economy - Droits intellectuels et nouvelles technologies [LRDOP 2102]
- Vendredi 09 mars 2018 de 09h00 à 15h00 (Saint-Louis Bruxelles) : Big Data, Algorithms and Democracy - Séminaire de recherche
Invitée par les Professeurs A. Strowel et A.-L. Sibony.