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Giacinto della Cananea

drt | Louvain-la-Neuve

Bocconi University

Giacinto della Cananea (Rome, 1965) is a public lawyer, with research interests spanning both administrative law and European Union law, with specific focus on three areas: the comparative law of administrative procedures, comparative law methodology, as well as budgetary law and audit of public administrations.

He holds a PhD in European Law (European University Institute, Florence) and has published many books and articles in leading journals worldwide, in both English and French, including six monographs, the last of which is Due Process of Law Beyond the State. Requirements of Administrative Procedure (OUP, 2017).

He also edited fifteen books, the last of which is the Research Handbook of European Administrative Law (co-authored with Carol Harlow and Paivi Leino), published by Hart in 2017.

He is full professor of law in Italy since 2001 and has taught EU law at the University of Frankfurt (1999) and the Duke Law School (2007), as well as Legal Pluralism at the Yale Law School (2013). He has also been selected by the Italian Government and Parliament for several offices, including the governing board of the Court of Auditors (2013-2017).