Sunita Jogarajan
drt | Louvain-la-Neuve
University of Melbourne
Domaine d'expertise : droit fiscal, droit international, histoire du droit
Sunita Jogarajan is Co-director of the Tax Group at Melbourne Law School, where she teaches and researches in taxation law. Sunita's primary research interest is in the influence of the League of Nations on international taxation, particulary the development of model tax treaties. Sunita also researches in Australian corporate tax and tax administration. She has previously written on the role of the IMF on tax reform and the integration of tax regimes in ASEAN member countries. Sunita previously worked at a 'Big 4' tax practice in corporate tax and tax policy. She has been involved in a multi-billion dollar international due diligence, engagements for regional governments and policy advice.
Sunita is a previous recipient of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council citation for 'outstanding contribution to student learning'.
Activités d'enseignement
Mercredi 09 mai 2018 de 10h45 à 12h45 (Centre de documentation européenne - Batiments Doyens, bureau A 146) : The Australian Response to the Base erosion and profit shifting Action Plan : a shift in tax policy ? - EU Tax policy and globalization [EUSL2101]
Lundi 14 mai 2018 de 14h00 à 16h00 (MORE 57) : International tax treaties from the League of Nations to the OECD 2017 Multilateral instrument : an Australian perpective - European and International Tax Law [LDROP2081]
Activités de recherche
Mercredi 30 mai 2018 de 12h00 à 14h00 (Centre de documentation européenne - Batiments Doyens, bureau A 146) : Between tax law, international law and legal history : methodological insights from research in tax treaty history - Séminaire de recherche
Invitée par les Prs. E. Traversa, P. d'Argent, A. Pirlot