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iacchos | Louvain-la-Neuve

  • Placeholder image
    Book presentation, "Space for Stories: Passion and vulnerability in research"
    22 May
    22 May

    By An Ansoms (UCLouvain)

    In this moving personal memoir, a social scientist who studies resource conflicts in the Great Lakes Region of Africa shares her own story. The author discusses the ethical and emotional struggles of her work, and shows how hearing stories of crises and conflict triggered her own battle with post-traumatic stress. She also reflects on her position and privilege as a white, middle-class, educated woman working to bridge two continents. This book talks about the often-hidden challenges of academic life, where the push for productivity often reinforces unequal power relations and overshadows researchers' well-being. The story invites readers to see the toll that gathering knowledge can take and celebrates the profound impact of embracing vulnerability and human connection in the world of science.

    Placeholder image
    Book presentation, "Space for Stories: Passion and vulnerability in research"
    22 May
    22 May

    By An Ansoms (UCLouvain)

    In this moving personal memoir, a social scientist who studies resource conflicts in the Great Lakes Region of Africa shares her own story. The author discusses the ethical and emotional struggles of her work, and shows how hearing stories of crises and conflict triggered her own battle with post-traumatic stress. She also reflects on her position and privilege as a white, middle-class, educated woman working to bridge two continents. This book talks about the often-hidden challenges of academic life, where the push for productivity often reinforces unequal power relations and overshadows researchers' well-being. The story invites readers to see the toll that gathering knowledge can take and celebrates the profound impact of embracing vulnerability and human connection in the world of science.

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    Book presentation, "Seeing Like a Firm. Social Justice, Corporations, and the Conservative Order"
    27 Mar
    27 Mar

    By Pierre-Yves Néron (ESPOL Lille)

    Discussion by Matthieu de Nanteuil (UCLouvain)

    This book proposes a political theory of the business firm, and by doing so, it offers new perspectives on social justice, neoliberalism, and conservatism. It challenges usual interpretations of neoliberalism by reconstructing the philosophical grounds of a form of conservatism of commerce based on a powerful aesthetics of inequality. More precisely, this book makes two key claims. First, it argues that corporations “see” in a conservative way. From this point of view, the “normative tunnel vision” of the corporation is that of hierarchy and inequality, and the great simplification of the corporate optic is to set aside the demands for equal standing. Second, it argues that we need a relational conception of equality and justice to think about corporations. From a relational perspective, a commitment to equality implies more than advocating the fair distribution of goods and resources, it aims to build a true society of equals and to fight against unjust hierarchies, various forms of subordination and social stratification. Consequently, the key normative claim of the relational approach regarding the corporation is this: what is so unique about the firm, and worrisome given its centrality within our societies, is precisely its capacity to undermine the very foundations of a society of equals. It does so because the big normative simplification of the corporate “optic” is to set aside the demands for equal standing. Relational egalitarians should try to deconstruct it, argue against it, and find ways to tackle it.

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    Book presentation, "Seeing Like a Firm. Social Justice, Corporations, and the Conservative Order"
    27 Mar
    27 Mar

    By Pierre-Yves Néron (ESPOL Lille)

    Discussion by Matthieu de Nanteuil (UCLouvain)

    This book proposes a political theory of the business firm, and by doing so, it offers new perspectives on social justice, neoliberalism, and conservatism. It challenges usual interpretations of neoliberalism by reconstructing the philosophical grounds of a form of conservatism of commerce based on a powerful aesthetics of inequality. More precisely, this book makes two key claims. First, it argues that corporations “see” in a conservative way. From this point of view, the “normative tunnel vision” of the corporation is that of hierarchy and inequality, and the great simplification of the corporate optic is to set aside the demands for equal standing. Second, it argues that we need a relational conception of equality and justice to think about corporations. From a relational perspective, a commitment to equality implies more than advocating the fair distribution of goods and resources, it aims to build a true society of equals and to fight against unjust hierarchies, various forms of subordination and social stratification. Consequently, the key normative claim of the relational approach regarding the corporation is this: what is so unique about the firm, and worrisome given its centrality within our societies, is precisely its capacity to undermine the very foundations of a society of equals. It does so because the big normative simplification of the corporate “optic” is to set aside the demands for equal standing. Relational egalitarians should try to deconstruct it, argue against it, and find ways to tackle it.

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    Présentation du livre "La justice climatique" (Que Sais-je?, 2024)
    20 Feb
    20 Feb

    Par Pierre André et Axel Gosseries (FNRS/UCLouvain)

    Discussion par Pascale Vielle (UCLouvain)

    Entre les actions judiciaires intentées contre l’inertie des États ou des grandes entreprises, les mouvements sociaux qui revendiquent une transition plus équitable et les sommets climatiques internationaux où elle est sans cesse invoquée pour négocier des accords, la justice climatique s’est installée comme un sujet politique majeur. En complément des analyses juridiques, politiques, sociologiques et économiques, une réflexion éthique est indispensable pour en saisir toute la portée.
    Comment justifier l’objectif de limiter le réchauffement planétaire à 2 ou 1,5 oC d’ici la fin du siècle ? Selon quels principes distribuer les droits d’émission et l’effort de lutte contre le changement climatique à l’échelle mondiale ? Seuls les États ou bien aussi les individus ont-ils des responsabilités ? Pierre André et Axel Gosseries exposent les concepts, principes et arguments qui structurent aujourd’hui la question de la justice climatique.

    Cet évènement est organisé en collaboration avec le Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur la Crise Ecologique (GRICE) de l’UCLouvain:

    Placeholder image
    Présentation du livre "La justice climatique" (Que Sais-je?, 2024)
    20 Feb
    20 Feb

    Par Pierre André et Axel Gosseries (FNRS/UCLouvain)

    Discussion par Pascale Vielle (UCLouvain)

    Entre les actions judiciaires intentées contre l’inertie des États ou des grandes entreprises, les mouvements sociaux qui revendiquent une transition plus équitable et les sommets climatiques internationaux où elle est sans cesse invoquée pour négocier des accords, la justice climatique s’est installée comme un sujet politique majeur. En complément des analyses juridiques, politiques, sociologiques et économiques, une réflexion éthique est indispensable pour en saisir toute la portée.
    Comment justifier l’objectif de limiter le réchauffement planétaire à 2 ou 1,5 oC d’ici la fin du siècle ? Selon quels principes distribuer les droits d’émission et l’effort de lutte contre le changement climatique à l’échelle mondiale ? Seuls les États ou bien aussi les individus ont-ils des responsabilités ? Pierre André et Axel Gosseries exposent les concepts, principes et arguments qui structurent aujourd’hui la question de la justice climatique.

    Cet évènement est organisé en collaboration avec le Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur la Crise Ecologique (GRICE) de l’UCLouvain:

  • Placeholder image
    Space for Stories : Passion and Vulnerability in Research
    16 Dec
    16 Dec




    Présentation du livre de An Ansoms  ‘Space for Stories : Passion and Vulnerability in Research’

    Inscription avant le 9/12


    In this moving personal memoir, a social scientist who studies resource conflicts in the Great Lakes Region of Africa shares her own story. The author discusses the ethical and emotional struggles of her work, and shows how hearing stories of crises and conflict triggered her own battle with post-traumatic stress. She also reflects on her position and privilege as a white, middle-class, educated woman working to bridge two continents.





    Placeholder image
    Space for Stories : Passion and Vulnerability in Research
    16 Dec
    16 Dec




    Présentation du livre de An Ansoms  ‘Space for Stories : Passion and Vulnerability in Research’

    Inscription avant le 9/12


    In this moving personal memoir, a social scientist who studies resource conflicts in the Great Lakes Region of Africa shares her own story. The author discusses the ethical and emotional struggles of her work, and shows how hearing stories of crises and conflict triggered her own battle with post-traumatic stress. She also reflects on her position and privilege as a white, middle-class, educated woman working to bridge two continents.